What a great Saturday we had! First we went to the baptisms of Hanna Davis and Joshua Sherwood. It was wonderful, although Heather and I spent a lot of the time in the hall with the little ones (typical). Braden has always been fascinated with horses. Whenever we drive through Nellie Gail or Utah or wherever he always squeals with delight, kicks his legs, etc. when he sees the horses. Last week after we went to a house I sold in San Clemente we drove through San Juan on the way to Ladera Ranch for some Infusion take out. On the corner of Antonio and Ortega we saw a sign by the stables saying that on the weekend of the 28th they would have a horse jumping competition and a horse dressage event. We thought that would be great for the kids to see and experience. Well, it exceeded our expectations. We got there and the parking was free. Bonus. And the event did not require tickets, Bonus. And they had blow up bounce houses, slides, etc, that did not require tickets or money, Bonus!! Plus, we got to walk right down next to the horses. There were no fences between us and the horses unless they were competing or practicing. It was awesome for even Heather and I. The kids were enthralled with everything. It was just a great experience for all of us, including Boston!
What a fun thing to do...Very brave thing to do with 5!!
I want to see your 4th of July pics asap!
I am so glad I found your blog. It will be fun to get updates on everyone! The kids are getting so big. Let us know the next time you are in Utah!
Jen Atwood
So fun to see your blog! Your kids are adorable and growing up so quickly! I am impressed that Zach is making these entries!
Our blog address is:
Christa Devlin Reid
YEAH! I am so glad to find your blog!! We miss you guys so much. We need to get together soon.
Heather- I am so glad I found your blog? Where are you guys living? This whole blogging thing is so fun to keep in touch with everyone and see how they are doing. :) It is so fun to see your beautiful family! - Rashelle Nelson(Addington)
Zach, Its Davey Saunders. You really need to keep your blog going. I'm sending this site to Jef and Randy. Stick to it buddy, your family is beautiful!
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